Ninja Meerkats is a series of fictional books written by Gareth P. Jones and illustrated by Luke Finlayson and Domingos Aquino. The series began in 2011 and is still ongoing, with a ninth volume set to release mid-2013. The books are based on a group of four kung fu fighting meerkats, dubbed The Clan of the Scorpion, and their missions to foil the evil plans of their human enemy, the Ringmaster, and his minions.
The ninja meerkats will NinjaBoom, all over your face, because they are the scorpion clan!
A game when you are doing clan war or just chillin you get raided by some fucking Japanese characters.
1👍 1👎
An online terrorist organisation going on a rampage in roblox games.
A group of furries that identify themselves as cats, their leader is Lunar.
Person 1: "Hey check out these people I met on the internet"
Person 2: "That's the Cat Clan"
the sool clan refers to reer darawiish because reer darawiish makes up the vast majority of the Sool province of Somalia
they the sool clan
Oh hey Dave how you been? ...Not to good man... Not good at all. Nothing seems to go right lately. Life has clan sieged the shit out of ya.
Like Eskimo brothers (men having sex with the same female, share an igloo), "cave clan" members have had anal sex with the same female, i. E. been in the same dark hole.
Dude1: That girl ladt night had aunt Flo visiting, do she let me tap the balloon hole.
Dude2: Same with me a few months ago. She was ragging so she let me in through the backdoor. Guess we part of the same brown bear clan now.