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the people that you make fun of because you have nothing better to do.

the people that you think do things for attention, when really, you know nothing about them.

the people that have mood swings.. good or bad, they have them.

the people that no, you may not understand, but that's not always the case.

the people who may be scene, BUT THEY AREN'T THE SAME FUCKING THING.

if a person smiles a lot, but you notice cuts on their wrists & discomfort around certain people, they may be emo.

by mssoftballchk December 3, 2007

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a rich suburban kid who dresses like pat benatar getting molested by the cure who cuts his/her arm with a razor, sits in the dark, writes sad depresing suicidal poems goes to starbucks and thinks his/her life is meaningless just so he or she can get sympothy and attention... mainly pre-pubescent douchebag teens.

lets kick that emo kids ass

by phil McHunt March 21, 2009

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Emo is a person usually under 20 years old. They intentionally cut or hurt them selves to relieve emotional pain, and bring it onto their wrists or other body parts. They do this because there are probably big problems in their life; a loved one died/ left, bullying, family issues ect. Most emos do not tell you they are, or make it obvious. Therefor if they do they are probably saying it for attention.

The emo look; skinny jeans, tight sweaters, band shirts, converse shoes, side swept hair covering an eye, eyeliner, perhaps numerous peircings.

Music; soft rock or punk, screamo

Today i saw her wrists and she admitted she was emo.

please note the above is my opinion not fact

by here2forget April 15, 2008

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to all the ppl who r dissing emos and providing ur steroetypical definition of wat we r and wat we do-u r probly all stupid faggy preps-ur not emo anyways so how would u know.

i would be a prep but i cant get my head that far up my ass
emo is love.

by vnhiqce April 1, 2006

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People who need to get a life and dont usually have any real problems. the style originates from music. the thing about emo people is that they have a problem with preps dressing the same and buying expensive clothes, when they do the same thing dressing in black and buying pants that r like 40 $ when the look extreamly ugly.

Emo1, omg no one likes me, i hate my self *cry cry* Thats not right ! PERK up ! be happy

by TrackStar411 April 29, 2008

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depressed person, usually teenagers who hate their lives, write fucked up poetry, and complain about how their life sucks. most emo's are posers, but there are some genuinely depressed people out there. EMO is a variation of GOTH and QUEER.

"Atheism is so senseless. When I look at the solar system, I see the earth at the right distance from the sun to receive the proper amounts of heat and light. This did not happen by chance." - Sir Isaac Newton

Ugh, that emo kid was cutting himself behind the school. I saw him.

by sdfgdasasdf February 22, 2008

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A Person Who Is Emotional. The Tend To Slit There Wrists Becuse They Are Emo ABout Something.

My Mum Won't Let Me Buy The New Black Skinny Leg Jeans :'( Im Feeling Emo **Slit**

by Β’ΒΎEricΒ’ΒΎ July 15, 2006

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