Fact checkers reviewed this post and determined that corruption doesn't actually exist.
The fact-checker removed my post because I said I had two dogs, and CNN didn't corroborate it.
A person employed to keep facts in check by publishing declarations that the truth is false and that falsehoods are true.
The claim that Colonel Sanders stole his recipe is a completely fabricated falsehood. That's why the fact checkers at Snopes declared that the claim "alludes to a deeper truth".
Fact-checkers are websites (run by an organization) that checks for the validity of rumors and widespread claims of a certain matter. For example, fact-checkers often debunk the claims of certain political moguls. Without fact-checkers, the internet would be a chaotic place of misinformation.
After hearing rumors that INSERT CELEBRITY HERE's death was a suicide, I went to a fact-checker website and found that this was not at all true.
When someone states facts that turn out to be horseshit when looked up
Gopi gazed on the iodized salt in my house and stated with conviction that the iodized salt makes you dumber which turned out to be absolute horseshit when looked up, hence the origin of salt Facts.
When someone on a forum or chat room points out, redundantly, something blatantly obvious, only to show off how hip and up to date they are.
Seen if before.
Stupid thread is stupid.
srsly, is not new thing
Pointless fact is pointless.
This one cheesy video that mskes people wave numbers in a Conga line
Fact Fact Families do the Conga