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Fo' Rizzel'

A word commenley used to excentuate a certain subject. Using this also implies thatyou are a true "gangsta'" Is slang for:For Real.

1)This S**T Is FO' Rizzel!
2) Yo' That waz Da' BOMB Fo' Rizzel'

by cali_gurl September 6, 2006

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fo shniggaz

Akin to "Fo sho" in that it means for sure.

Man, I juz heard dat on da radio.
>>Fo shniggaz?
Fo shniggaz!

by Anonymous August 30, 2003

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Fo Shizzling

Stemming from "Fo Shizzle" its the act of agreeing with someone without really paying attention to them. Similar to bullshitting.

Bro 1: Hey man whatcha been up to?

Bro 2: Nothin bra just been fo shizzling with my co-workers all day so they think I'm contributing to their lame attempts at office ghetto humor.

Bro 1:Wow, your DA MAN homie!

Bro 2: fo shizzle!

by Bdun26 May 18, 2009

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fo shizzle

A phrase Snoop Dogg popularized that translates indirectly into: I wholeheartedly concur with you, my African-American brother.

"Wanna get high?"
"Fo shizzle!"

by 132460192 March 1, 2010

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fo sho

it means straight up, or yeah

Yo, look at that guys body, ain't it ripped?
fo sure

by Jackpot September 12, 2004

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Anything, and everything

Oh my fo-shizzle! or You piece of fo-shizzle.

by R-Tizzle February 15, 2008

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fo fags

something that isn't cool, or sweet

"falling off my bike was fo fags"

"snoop dog is fo fags"

by Andy Baker September 26, 2003

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