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hairy bucket

Pubic hairs found at the tip of your penis.

this mornin i woke up with a massively hairy bucket. i'm all good now, tho

by chicken fried negro sammich October 22, 2008

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hairy prodder

Another name for Harry Potter, so called because it gets on your nerves like a big hairy stick poking you in the neck while you sleep.

My nephew already read Hairy Prodder ten times. I feel sorry for his poor soul.

by Adel7 September 11, 2007

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hairy filo

person with an unusually hairy vagina; also known to be worn out and stretched to the size of a black hole

check out that hairy filo bitch

by bobs r us December 22, 2008

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Hairy Poptart

Slang for a hairy vagina. May or may not be delicious like real poptarts.

I ate that hairy poptart and liked it regardless, don't judge me!

by Suck-o-Mimus October 14, 2010

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Hairy road

Hair leading from pubic region to navel - typically narrow band.

That kid already has a hairy road. At this rate, he'll have a big ol' tuft hanging over his ass crack by the time he's 20!

by Weenis isn't November 12, 2010

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hairy mexican

A shot with 1/2 oz. of tequila, generally Jose Cuervo, and 1/2 oz. of whiskey, Jack Daniels or Jim Beam. If you have some wambos, patron and black label can be substituted.

The hairy mexican was invented at the University of Rochester in Chambers, and has become a popular tradition throughout the past few years.

Warning: this drink is highly potent and is not to be taken lightly and will fuck you up.

The hairy mexican consists in utilizing half tequila and half whiskey on a shot.

by Chamber230 September 18, 2009

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Hairy Toenails

The definition of teenagers, mostly girls, who have not yet reached the stage in their life of being able to wax/shave their own toenails, which can result in serious bushy-ness

girl one- omg, like omg have you seen sarah lees toenails, like omg eww grosss
girl two- ICK, their so hairy! she needs to shave! LIKE TOTALLY HAIRY TOENAILS!

by sacajewia and fetus August 29, 2008

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