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internal lumbar fart

a potential fart or fartlike noise that occurs in the lower back and/or lumbar region as if it failed it's attempt to reach it's destination to the outside world :)

i think i hafta fart...oh, nope, it was just an ilf. (internal lumbar fart)

by dizzydaphodil September 29, 2010

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International Crash the Mustang Day

The day Juice Wrld died and as he said in one of his songs β€œcrash the mustang no saleen.” It is only respectable for the day of his death to be represented as crash the mustang day. It will take place December 8th every year.

Are you going to crash your mustang for international crash the mustang day

by Michaelromero February 28, 2020

Corwin International Magnet School

Corwin International Magnet School, aka CIMS, is a school full of emo soft boys, fort nite players, vsco girls and hoes. Do not recommend. Did not make friends until 8th grade. Ugh

Corwin International Magnet School is full of drugs. Help me. I WANT OUT.

by A white cracker November 7, 2019

Greenwood International School (GIS)

A school that is literal hell where students are either absolute fucking nerds or chamaks (no in between), and scams the shit out of its students (unless they’re related to the owner). Basically trash and corrupted.

Oh it’s Greenwood International School (GIS), fucking scammers.

by BitchIMtheBOY October 12, 2019

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International Time to have sex

The international time to have sex is 7:40

If the time hits 7:40, its the international time to have sex

by hoygs January 18, 2009

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International School Bangkok

So as FrankieSpankie or whatever the person on the top or bottom said, it's certain that International School Bangkok is the best school in Thailand. Thus located in Nonthaburi, Thailand. You get high honor roll even thou the gpa doesn't go anyway near the 3.8. Need to create football team because there is already rugby team and it would be nice.

Person 1: You go to International School Bangkok, brah?
Person 2: Yeah, you wanna go yah cuz you go to BIST?
Person 3: You must be rich, yah?
Person 4: Nah cuz my father is in LG.

by Dadaisticism of Science December 24, 2011

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Stamford American international school

Full of stupid idiots who think they are cool like shut up

Those dumbasses go to Stamford American international school

by Fuck ms durkin August 25, 2021

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