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fanny master

A rare but powerful female form. Women whom actively seek out to destroy men's confidence through their sexual prowess. A fanny master is the only type of female who could possible damage the ego of a cockmaster. Women who can reverse the sexual tables on men and should be avoided at all costs by innocent males.

"I thought i met a nice girl last night we went back and she basically raped me and then kicked me out. She 'used' me for sex - oh how dirty i feel"

by Dunc March 2, 2005

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a tas master

a very dangerous tactical air-soft soldier, deadly with his weapon on numerous battlefields, such as backyards, wooded areas, and even playgrounds. Yes, that's right playgrounds. These lone assassins are known for their high tech weaponry, and very in-depth game planning. Sometimes, a tas master will create a secret map to help him annihilate young pubescent boys out on the field of war. These man are trained to kill without mercy. Beware!!!

Lurking in the depths of a basement, 20 year old Stephen, a tas master greater than all, hopes to one day find very young children to play him, because no one his age would dare step onto the battlefield opposite him.

by the glazed brownie master November 20, 2009

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Pout Master

Somebody who is always pouting about anything

Pout Master Mike. Pout pout pout.

by Dr. V.E. Randolph September 30, 2006

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master harasser

A master harasser is usually a faggot douche bag who has nothing better to do but annoy friends or foes because s/he is a failure who needs to compensate for his retarded mind set.

My friend hunter p is a master harasser

by Master condom April 21, 2017

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Poontang master

One who is adept at all things related to genital effleurage.

Mike has proven to all of the young women on the volleyball team that he is the poontang master.

by Mistuh February 18, 2008

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master basser

one who is the master of the bass

"who is that master basser in your living room? "

by devon aviles September 11, 2005

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Master P

One of the most stupid rappers in America...wait no the whole world. The rapper that can't make, sale, ok basically can't do nothing (may be if his life depended on it). He's like a dirt compared to Jay-z.

He copied Nelly's thing on the clothing line. If u go to the mall and find something that's Apple Bottoms u see a price tag pic of Nelly and a girl, but wait go find a P.miller Passion shirt(for girls)look at the price tag u see that same type of pic Nelly had on his. This Master P is a COPY-CATER

by sound-like-what November 10, 2005

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