Source Code

max gall

A retard who is a little rascal who gets bad grades and has a awful school attendance

Oi mate your such a max gall

by Mate your such a max gall August 11, 2018

Max Tait

1)Max Tait is the word's to describe a penis that is so incredibly large you have to describe it as someone else's.

2) It can also be used to describe someone who has just shit themselves.

1) Holy fuck, that is a Max Tait penis right there!

2) You just pulled a Max Tait!

by Coochie Muncher XD March 8, 2020

Dirty Max

when your head is shaped like Galactus and you use your massive fucking forehead to headbutt a monkey's ass.

person 1: I went to the zoo yesterday and I saw someone "dirty max" a monkey.
person 2: eww wtf that's chapt
monkey 1: yea my ass still hurts

by TheFancyPineappl September 5, 2022

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Brimmy Max

When max fills the cone piece all the way to the top and finishes it in one pull. Brimmy Max smokes to the maximum level and can often be found passed out in the corner next to the couch. Brimmy Max will often moan or make random noises as he is too high to put together a sentence in English.

Brimmy Max can you talk to us in English we don’t understand brimmynese

by PlanetBrimmy March 5, 2023

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Max Lim

The eighth preacher of Hohenheim. Often disguises himself as a gullible person but in reality hides his true identity of the true understander of Hohenheim

Wise Max Lim Quotes:
"one must not look directly at the sunlight as one is not able to grasp the understandings of Hohenheim"

"Jesus walks on water, Hohenheim walks on the Sun"

"If one exposes himself as a believer of Hohenheim, one will not understand the meaning of light"

"A person who goes 'Naaaaa' often shows signs of a believer of Light Hohenheim"

"A person who refuses to accept the above quote is also a sign that s/he is a believer of Light Hohenheim"

by Hohenheim of Light January 31, 2010

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max bemis

Max is the magnificent song-writer and front man for up-and-coming rock band, Say Anything.
Max, as well as being a musical genius, is also an idol for many young people who are also suffering from bi-polar disease (or are just extremely hormonal and trying to find themselves, such as myself) and has overcome his mental blockades and succeeded in the long run
in Say Anything's latest CD, ...Is a Real Boy, Max performs all of the guitar, vocal, bass, and synth tracks, allowing his friend Coby to fill in with drums
the rest of the band plays live with them and adds to their aura, but overall, Max is the key figure behind Say Anything

elliottduuude@gmail.com: i worship Max Bemis.

somemone with no taste: he's alright...

elliottduuude@gmail.com: alright? you have no taste.

by Pinnochiooo January 24, 2007

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awesome to the max

beyond the most awesome thing ever!

you are sooo friggin awesome to the max dude

by k@yl@ July 6, 2006

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