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maya smells but!
i love her more than any other mf to walk this earth .. idky tho

mf never wants to play footsies with me or nothin

anyways lets make christmas cookies soon and binge watch christmas movies!

maya is my pickle

all hail mclean

by urforeverlover November 22, 2021


Being emotionally sensitive and goofy, performing abnormal and childish actions.

You're such a maya

by Lamellofall December 11, 2022


OMG!!!!!! Have you ever met a Maya. Sorry that's a stupid question because if you have met a Maya you would never forget it EVER!!! Mayas are just so so so cooool. they are funny and quirky and kind and a total partyer. Whenever a Maya is around the world is better because her vibes are infectious. Speaking of infectious if you know a Maya then you have for sure experienced the Maya high. this is a amazing thing that happens with prolonged exposure to a Maya. It affects anyone within a 10 foot radius of a Maya and lasts as long as the exposure. the high causes extreme giggles and giddyness. Mayas are so fun if you don't know one you should find one because man they so cool.

Bob: hey do you see that girl over there, she's so awesome I can tell from here
Bobette: oh she's dope, must be a maya:

by Mayathe January 31, 2022


A very epic and cool and hot person

I'm proud of Maya.

by Sophia... August 22, 2021


the most beautiful girl in the world

we all should love maya

by u lol November 24, 2021


kind hearted person who is extremely hardworking and ambitious, she will never give up on anything. She is one of the most loyal friends you will ever have. She will never let you win an argument even if you are right, she is very competitive but also knows how to lose and congratulate others for their successes. She is also very sensitive and will tend to put others needs before her own, Maya might realise this and try to stop having others take her for granted. She might seem mean at first but once you get to know her she will be the sweetest person ever. Also she will be rich later in life!!! In punjabi (an indian language), Maya means illusion, and in some dialects of arabic it means water.

Who's the new CEO?
That's Maya she's super ambitious!!!

by fatLolo2019 April 30, 2021


Maya is the most gorgeous girl you'll ever meet. She is hilarious without having to do much. She is so kind and always does the right thing. She is the most perfect a person can be.

She's Maya

by aquainfinityexplosion June 25, 2022