Nate is a wonderful person with big ass balls. I love nate. Please put your cock in me if u are nate
Kata:"Omg nele have u seen nate?"
Nele:"Yes their balls are so massive"
Annoying ash hell like niggas sit tf down shit
Nate:you got some change,do sum strange for some change
Niggas:bro sit the fuck downnnnn
Nate is a complete creeper he will become close with you than molest you if you find a Nate stay away there nasty.
freind: hey I met a Nate today!
person: ew stay away he rapes kids..
Nate is an amazing boy who would do anything for anyone. He is such a nice boy, he can be really funny. If you're ever down he asks how you are, and he'll try his best to comfort you no matter what.
If you find a nate in you life dont be friend him he is mean to your friends and will eventually turn on you and be a dick he is usually tall scrawny and has usually failed 1-2 grades in school
Jared: Hey Nate, wanna go get lunch?
Nate: No that's gay, fuck off. Your friends a bitch too!
Nice ass For a man, Penis is large, craziest eyes you can look into, usually very successful people, Most likely to take your girlfriend for himself.
Nate is so handsome, and when you look at his eyes you can’t stop!
Nate is very cute and is always on his phone he’s really funny,smart and always smiling he’s always is dating someone some people even call him a player
Girl:Nate’s so cute!
Girl 2:ya but he’s a player