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Glizzy Nip Knobs

Similar to 'Corn Handles', these are the grips you poke into the ends of your hot dog so you don't get hot dog juice all over yourself.

Hey can you please pass the glizzy nip knobs? I am getting glizzy juice all over myself.

by LongTanAndHandsome August 13, 2020


Commonly used in hockey, this is what gnar shredders use when they have scored a goal with either a clapbomb or wrister when being tired and having to change. This phenomenon only happens when a player just tries to nip it so he/she could change.

Hey Dad, did you see my goal? It was a nip-n-dip. I got it top titties.

by Vag Muncher 5000 January 28, 2019

nip yer bobie

(Pinch your penis (The end of it))

Husband: Iโ€™m bursting fur a pish! (Eng: Iโ€™m in desperate need of a wee).
Wife: Nip yer bobie, Iโ€™ll stop the car when a find a toilet (Eng: pinch the end of your penis (to hold it in), Iโ€™ll stop the car when I find a toilet).

by Copterboy February 15, 2020

Nip Nop Shit

The rubbing (in a circular motion) of another persons Nipples with the index or middle fingers - causing them to laugh loudly and be generally incapacitated - usually occurs when in bed as a form of comic punishment.

If you don't get me a tissue, I'll give you the Nip Nop Shit!

by Andi K July 1, 2006

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Bustin' my nips

A common response by a female who is being ridden by her co-workers or friends.

Female equivalent of "bust my balls", or "bust my nuts".

Mike and Curtis are pestering Amy, so she says "Guys, quit bustin' my nips."

A variant is "Quit bustin' my tits".

by Mike and Curtis January 8, 2010

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Steely Nips

One who has a piercing in one's nipple, rendering them unbalanced in both mind and body.

This can result in chronic narcoleptic behavior as well as a permanent melanin deficiency. Most cases reported have been from former employees of the company Narco-Steel, a fashion design studio based out of Norwich, UK. The reason for this phenomenon is as yet undiscovered.

"I think Paula has Steely Nips, her pool game is completely off cause she's always tripping all over herself, her skin seems to be getting more and more pasty, no matter how much fake'n baking she does and the last 4 times we've hung out, she's just fallen asleep right then and there, she once fell asleep with a cigarette in her hand and put a mark on this guy's floor."

by Chachane November 6, 2007

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wagon wheel nips

Nipples so big they resemble wagon wheels

-Have you seen the size of her nipples?
Yeah she's got wagon wheel nips.

by lacwfxx February 1, 2015

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