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triple decker peanut butter and jelly sandwich

The most heinous sexual act. So terrible that your friends can never speak to the girl you gave it to ever again. In addition, they are not allowed to be friends with you for a month. At the end of that month you'll still think it was worth it.

Where's Jim been?
I don't know, I can't be friends with him until August since he gave Jane a triple decker peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Oh my god! That's awful.

by Joe from Cocamo June 28, 2008

5๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

peanut butter jelly and ass hole sand which

When you put peanut butter and jelly on your shlong and anally rape a man. This term was first used in the adult swim show the boondocks.

Bob has a really juicy ass. I really wanna give him a peanut butter jelly and ass hole sand which.

by fart in my mouth baby April 6, 2015

75 year old peanut butter jar in the back of the cabinet

the jar of peanut butter at the back of your cabinet that you forgot about

bro why is there a 75 year old jar of peanut butter in the back of my cabinet, wait, oh i was trying to make a 75 year old peanut butter jar in the back of the cabinet.

by snekster69 April 29, 2022

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Peanut Butter Smack ... How do you like me now Bizznitch

The art of dipping your hand in peanut butter while getting blown and slapping the girl in the face and saying "how do you like me now BIZZNITCH"

GUY Peanut Butter Smack ... How do you like me now Bizznitch

by RETRO1 May 20, 2009

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peanut butter push

When you put peanut butter on your dick and push your dogs head on it to lick it off

I just used the peanut butter push and it felt great!

by I fucked 6 men August 10, 2017

Peanut butter Fishstick

When a female to male transgender person sticks their dick into a mans ass, then pulling it out presenting it to the male.

*pulls out dick* "You want a bite of this Peanut butter Fishstick bitch?"
"Oh boy do I!"

by Pootlips11 September 16, 2023

peanut butter pooper

A person, who leaves large dollops of "peanut butter like" shit on the inside of the toilet bowl. Usually found at the workplace, but can occur in the home. The peanut butter pooper is notoriously hard to identify, and is thought to be a supernatural/mythical being in Indian cultures of the American southwest.

The "peanut butter pooper" had struck again, leaving large clumps of crap all over the toilet bowl in the employee break-room.

by Tink Tink 27 January 3, 2017