tall tall person who is very rude and needs to leave!!!! perfect for lolly’s.
that’s sally the nally with lolly the polly! aw! but sally’s rudeeee
A girl who will do anything for another hit
I met Dope fiend Sally last night at the trap house and she gave me a blumpken for a hit off the bubble.
When someone wants encourage themselves or others referring to an action done or object being used.
"Man this outfit would make me Slay like Sally."
"You so Slay like Sally."
The person that came from no where and changed your life for ever filled every crack picked up every part and gave some of them selfs to keep you together
Stupid ass
Dumb shit
Piece of shit
Crack head
This guy Brandon at work is a two bit sally
Sally Shitter is a word to describe a very painful shit. In 1682, a girl by the name of Sally Dinglatotu sat down on the toilet and took a shit.. but it wasn’t a normal shit..it was sharp and painful.. it also smelled like uncle Jerry’s toe fungus casserole. This made the whole village evacuate and move across the prairie. Sally was then know as stinky Sally who lived on Salsbury st. And then the term Sally Shitter evolved
Bobbis: ouh yu mate. It was a real Sally shitta. painful as ‘ell..
Grank: I don’t need to know the details about your Sally shitter, bobbis
A person who is sad, but calling them a name that starts with the same letter. Similar to a Debbie downer or a nice Nancy.
She is being a real sad sally today.