a way of saying yes to someone very casual and chill
hell nah
ight bet lets go
fuck you mean lets go I said no
yeah whatever homie
A possibility in the Near future. It could probably mean ask nicely.
Person1- Yo you hungry?
Person 2- Nah, will let you know when i am though!
Nah is the best and hottest couple you will ever meet u will mostly see them together on sundays chilling together haveing a great time. You will always see “N” giving heartwarming commment to “AH” and you will see her blushing.
Girl1: who is that
Boy 1: that is Nahcutest couple in school
Girl 1: oh ya they are
Possibly of East London origin, typically, meaning a weak polite form of 'no' but often 'Nah' is a negative when the speaker is certain that the listener is incorrect and both know that fact for certain but the listener is doublethinking themselves into belief.
"My boyfriend wants to marry me but he isn't ready to get married.. we both have houses to sell before we move on.. my boyfriend needs to sort his shed out before we can get married and support each other but for now he's put me on the game to help out.. I do have my 'hero' and he wants to marry me"
hood or ghetto way of saying no.
Maya- you going to the store? Kayla- nah
When Luke's GF is under the impression that Luke is monogamous, when in actuality "Mehdi Zidar" owns 100% stake in Luke.