Source Code

faux pop

is the man you thought was your father until you found out otherwise on the maury povich show

DNA results proved jim was really the milkmans kid and that tom "his dad" was really his faux pop

by asslee April 5, 2008

7๐Ÿ‘ -1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pop Kams

The Pop Kams are a group of five children named: Kelly, Angela, Maria, Lula, Bee. They fight crime, hiding their true identity, they look like normal people when they aren't in action. Only few people know who they really are...

You: Who are the Pop Kams?
Me: Nobody knows but they fight crime

by SomeoneInThisMessedUpWorld August 26, 2019

pop attack

when your eating poptarts and you come upon the sudden realization that you must have more, thus comsuming the entire box

"dude, i had a bogus Pop attack this morning, i feel hella sick"

by josh "the fuel" buel January 27, 2009

popped a nickle

To have farted

I just popped a nickle.

by Nickle November 26, 2016

pop music

A style of music which is judged by those who like it more on the appearance of those singing it than the music.

Britney Spears is hot. She MUst be extremely talented.

by Oh shit I'm dead October 19, 2004

180๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

pop off

telling someone to fight you. in other words, DO SUMTHIN

Bob: Shut up before i punch you in your face
You: What?! U so hard then pop off!

by Ekho June 1, 2005

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pop music

commonly mistaken for being a shortened version of 'popular music', pop music is a term that applies to songs which use a pretty formulaic verse chorus bridge, verse chorus as the standard.. a rock n' roll song that hits it bigtime is still a rock song.. popular country tunes are still country tunes.. hip hop be hip hop. due to mass-corruption on many levels of humanity, pop's name has been spoiled--forever linked to (but not limited to) the latest top40 geared studio manufactured product pusher of the month.

fella #1: "did you watch conan last night?"
duder #2: "nah, too busy watchin'the music video station."
fella #1: "those music video's are nothing more than 3 1/2 minute commercials, played over and over until we know the words, associate that with liking it and buy the album."
duder #2: *singing latest madonna song in his head* "huh? whah? sorry, i wasn't listening."
fella #1: "record companys decide and let the music channels and radio stations know what the next hit single shall be. they can afford to do that sorta thing."
duder #2: "but kelly clarkson totally rocks!"
fella #1: "wrong. she will be gone shortly and forever erased from our memories."
duder #2: "who was on conan?"
fella #1: "broken social scene.. amazing band, proving that the pop music has room for growth, depth, and talent."
duder #2: "you gonna eat that?"
fella #1: "ugh.. take it." *hands over his sandwich*

by the-rich February 28, 2006

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