1) A very advanced technique for eating asshole (subdivision of tossing the salad) where the “spinner” moves from oral activity at the vagina, and runs their tongue up to the butthole over the victim’s (salad’s) skin and rotates their tongue in fast circular motion around the anus.
2) To dilly dally
“Asians girls really like it when you spin the salad on them”
“Ok, you can stop spinning the salad”
When you and an ex, after being broken up for a few months, and neither of you are in a new relationship, sleep together one last time.
"Julie came over to pick up some stuff she left at my place and we ended up sleeping together."
"Oh, you took your free spin."
"Yeah, it's perfectly acceptable to sleep together one last time. In order to put a positive punctuation mark on a relationship that may have ended badly, you get one free spin."
much like the rodeo, only from reverse cowgirl position you whisper "I hope you dont mind having AIDs" and hold on for as long as you can.
i pulled the spinning mare last night and held on for 28 seconds!
A common phrase used in the southern hemisphere to persuade somebody to "spin" the driven wheels of their vehicle to perform a burnout. Typically said when a mate is leaving an event, or an attractive performance car passes (such as a manual 20e A31 Nissan Cefiro)
Mate 1: *starts vehicle after saying farewell to friends*
Mates 2, 3 & 4: "oi mate, spin em!"
Mate 1: *Foot flat on accelerator spinning the rear wheels of his work ute*
Mates 2, 3 & 4: "yeahh!!!! what a sick c*nt!"
The Project Citizen contestant who won first place Nationals in the USA. The form is submitted by 510 is PS122Q
I love how PS122Q hosted the fifth grade class who won Project Citizen 2023 Spinning the Smarter Way.
Where 2 men with 8 inch long penises and above grab eachother by their erect penises and proceed to spin in a circle together.
I did the germanic spin last night with Jerry
This is where you bend a girl over.
Then place her on your penis.
Then start spinning her.
If you can't support yourself add a friend.
He will place his penis in her mouth.
Then u continue to spin.
That is the spinning dradle
"Me and her tried the spinning dradle."
" i wasn't strong enough so I brought Steve to try the spinning deadly with me."