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Snapchat Squad

That group of "cool" people who are constantly on their iPhones, Snapping each other from three feet away.

New Girl: Who are those people?
Me: That's the Snapchat Squad.

by a;ldkfja;slkdfjas;ldfkj June 27, 2017

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Snapchat Squad

A collection of kids who spend all class period on Snapchat and then have no idea what is going on and complain that the tests are unfair.

Dude, I can’t believe that my lab partners is on Snapchat squad

by Pugs are best dog February 12, 2020

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Squad Booty

Booty that's been tapped by all manners of squads.

I was trying to get with this girl, till I found out she was squad booty.
Person A: "Hey yo, shawty killin it."
Person B: "You don't wanna mess wit her, man. Dat's Squad Booty right there."
Person A: " For real? That's a damn shame."

by That Nxgga Round the Corner May 11, 2015

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Yurt Squad

The most autistic group in any organization and with no solo wins in fortnite

John: Hey I'm going to join the yurt squad.
Rebecca: have you gotten a victory royale?
John: No
Rebecca: Then it's perfect for you!

by Ken Belly December 20, 2018

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angel squad

Bad bitches

They must be part of the angel squad

by lilbaddie423 September 26, 2017

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Squad Transit

When a group of men take on the task of satisfying a single woman on a sexual, emotional, and physical level. When one undergoes Squad Transit, all attention is focused on them and they leave satisfied and refreshed.

Hey did you guys actually run squad transit on Karina or did she back out?

by Squad Transit Conductor February 24, 2010

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camping squad

A group of close friends that go camping together annually.

The three families go camping three times a year as it is a tradition. They call themselves a camping squad

by Oldhickoryham June 23, 2017

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