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Sevy Syndrome

The term used when a person is acting up and can only say insults, much like that of a seventh grader

Person 1 (to a random stranger): WHY THE FUCK SHIT ARE YOU SO FAT!!!!

Person 2: Dude calm down you're getting a case of Sevy Syndrome

Person 1: YOUR MOTHER!!!!

by BryceSmith April 12, 2011

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Scarlett Syndrome

Not thinking about any problems today figuring you can deal with them tomorrow, like Scarlett O'Hara did in "Gone With The Wind." "I can't think about that today, I'll think about it tomorrow." Perfect cure to whatever ails you.

Kiley: Look at all this mail you haven't opened. There must be stuff here from last Christmas.

Tara: Oh, that silly ol' mail? Toss that into the fire. I can't be bothered with that today, I'll think about it tomorrow.

Kiley: You cannot be serious! You have got a serious case of Scarlett Syndrome. Get up off your ass and deal with this pile of mail. NOW!

by alex02116 April 21, 2009

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ATS Syndrome

"Addicted to Socializing", a syndrome characterized by physical and psychological dependence on socializing. Those suffering with ATS symdrome often describe a compulsive urge to frequent bars, sleep in strange places, exchange phone numbers with strangers, utilize party tricks and costumes to gain attention, and hold hands with cab drivers. Use of the phrase "bad ideas make the best stories" is often used to rationalize behavior.

Socializing initially produces feelings of euphoria and dissassociation with reality, but in severe uncontrolled cases can result in a pissed off boss, excessive spending, weight gain, chronic fatigue, wearing of the same clothes for multiple days, loss of valuables, and general neglect of repsonsibilities.

The syndrome is frequently exacerbated by the consumption of alcohol and is often seen in conjuction with Beerexia.

First recognized by Dr. Cooke of Sheffield, UK (self- diagnosis).

I'm late for work, unshowered, and smelling like booze, because I have ATS Syndrome and I never made it home last night.

by ATS Syndrome Sufferer December 7, 2011

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cassie syndrome

kind of like ADD, but mixed with ADHD. Those with Cassie Syndrome tend to be hyper 24/7, eat a lot but not get fat, have wandering minds, and like to eat subway.

I now have ADD and Cassie Syndrome

by Friend with benefits April 22, 2005

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Inuyasha Syndrome

Internet jargon which refers to any television show, movie or book series in which the main plot just continues to drag on and on and on, without any seeming end in sight. Such stories also suffer from a noted lack of character development among the protagonists as well as lazy, tedious or even nonexistent story pacing. With no satisfying resolution, such stories often test the patience of even the most understanding audience, giving the impression that the author is just making up the story as he/she goes along.

Not exclusive to anime or manga, Inuyasha Syndrome can apply to other media. Notably television shows like "Lost", movies like "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" or books like "L. Ron Hubbard's Mission Earth" series.

"The villain escaped AGAIN?! Man, this show is really suffering from Inuyasha Syndrome..."

by Steven Furtado August 25, 2007

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Schuldiner Syndrome

The effect of a band or musician (usually a metal band) becoming far more popular after death then they ever were in life. The term is in reference to Chuck Schuldiner of the band "Death" who passed away due to pontine glioma, a type of brain cancer. Many fans now claim "Death" to be the greatest band ever and that now one will ever be as epic or talented.

Note: This can be likened to a the similar effect of an artists painting going up in value after they die.

Metal Head #1: You know, I actually like some Obituary stuff more than Death.

Metal Head #2: Man you dont know what your talking about, Death is the best band ever to ever exist period. R.I.P. Chuck.

Metal Head #1: Man you really have a bad case of Schuldiner Syndrome

by RoccoTaco October 19, 2007

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Aka "Pretty Woman Syndrome"
STD contracted from whore your trying to save. Symptoms include becoming blind to all signs of being played and used, complete and unexplained urge to try and protect Host Escamilla who infected you, becoming retarded, the inability to stop lowering your expectations, Lose of friends and families respect, and if not separated from Host...death.

Oh man, did you hear Eric and Donnie both caught Escamilla syndrome last month! Those girls are going to invect the entire male population of Spring Branch.

by Dr.Shard July 14, 2014

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