Source Code

Block coding

One of various coding languages, more frequently used by kids. It is used with several different sections of blocks, and you snap a block with a block and make your character do something. As you can see, it's very simple coding language, therefore it is more commonly used by kids.

Teacher: "Any questions on the homework assignment for tonight?"
Student: "What's the name of the website we use for block coding?"

by mouthrat August 6, 2019


aftermarket headlights for the volkswagen jetta

nice blacked out e-codes. do they have hids too?

by dubber4life April 20, 2009

code gnome

A computer programmer who skillfully crafts code at all hours, obsessing over details, while seldom leaving his or her cave. A code gnome would rather code than sleep.

Bob (after work at the bar): Have you seen Linus here anywhere?
Sue: When I left the office he was still writing code.
Bob: Man, that guy writes great code, but he never leaves his desk. What a code gnome!

by Gnome Loomski October 31, 2018

percussion code

The best banon account on twitter. Run by someone awesome.

Hey did you see Percussion Code's tweet yesterday? It was awesome.

by Superior Trumpet February 18, 2014

Fart Code

It’s like morse code but in farts!

No one understands me and Billy’s Fart code!”
“Talk in fart code so they don’t understand.”
“Give me the test anwsers in fart code when we take the test.”

by Puagrace October 4, 2018

Code brown

I took my girlfriend out for dinner last night,
I had too much Spivey food.
When we got home.
I was in the bathroom all night with a code brown

I had a code brown after eating spicy food last night

by Thenry November 25, 2022

Code Caller

A kid that calls people hackers when they win something in a game, usually little kids but can differ.

Kid: *wins* doot doot
Code Caller: hACkS, iM REpoRTinG yoU
Kid: noooo plz don’t

by HEYghost November 28, 2018