Source Code

a nice person

a nice person, someone who is friendly.

"hey, you are a nice person."
"awh, thanks!"

by September 14, 2020

11๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

nice dick

A statement given to one dude to the next if his game has earned him a hook-up, phone number, date, or money.

basically speaking: dick game proper

guy: "dude i hooked up with this girl an she gave me some gas money"
friend: "nice dick"

guy: "you know that girl from that last party? i hit it"
friend: "Nice dick

by Max Dickin May 2, 2008

32๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nice guy

heterosexual version of the gay friend; i.e. the funny, cultured, witty lad a woman hangs out with until she falls for an arsehole she's actually attracted to.

Jessica: So, what did you do over the week-end!?
Stephanie: Not much; you know; just hanged out with Ben. Was fun actually...
Jessica; Hello!!?? You!? and Ben!? fun week-end!!?? Is there anything I should know here!!??
Stephanie: Come on!!! Ben and I are like best buddies!!! He's such a nice guy...Nway, sleeping over at Brian's tonight, so off to waxing. He's such an arsehole!

by Antiochus October 24, 2007

70๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž

2 Nice

Greg Lindsay, Jeff Martin, Kevin Jordan

Only person ever to step on earth nicer than these three pepole was Jesus and a few other people from back then.

Greg Lindsay is 2 Nice.
The opposite of 2 Nice is Crusty.

by Greg Lindsay May 13, 2008

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

nice apples

A compliment to a female regarding her breasts, whee the breast are the apples.

Used in a context as such: "Those are nice apples"

Used in a context as such: "Those are nice apples"

by TheDr. October 26, 2013

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

nice guy

A fuckboy twat who thinks he deserves the attention and affection of a female because he thought acting like an obsessive 'agony-aunt' friend will get him laid.

"But I'm a nice guy!" Snorted Larry, a pimple on his cheek bursting puss onto his World Of Warcraft T-Shirt. "I'm sorry," Replied Sandra, "I just don't have any feelings for you; I respect yours, but I must also respect my own."

by Moosbutt April 21, 2016

6๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nice car

1- It's used when a guy is sexually attracted to a girl, and the girl knows it.
2- It means nice dick.

Example 1:
Girl1: Uh Oh... He's looking at me in a weird way.
Girl 2: I think he is a nice car!

Example 2:
Girl3: Nice car, boy!
Guy1: My car can be really productive...

by y2603 February 2, 2018

5๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž