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The University of Alabama

The University of Alabama, 12 national championships in football, hey Golden Dome and Michigan, where you at? Now ranked as one of the top 50 public universities in the nation by U.S. News and World Report, hey Cow Town and Rocky Top, where you at? Get on our level.

How do you compete with a school that can party, and is now known for academia? Oh yeah, you can't. Roll Tide

by P March 21, 2005

42πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

University of Texas

- The Best Damn University in the nation
- One of the largest Universities in the nation.
- Home of the one of the most elite football programs in the nation who is always ranked in the top 10.
- Home to one of the best basketball squads in the nation.
- Only school in the nation to boast a top 10 football, basketball, baseball and women's basketball program. "We're Texas".
- School that owns the poor aggies in every possible sport except women's soccer.
- Also referred to as "Texas", "UT" and "UTexas".
- www.utexas.edu

The University of Texas owns!

by CorporationX January 26, 2005

1388πŸ‘ 1110πŸ‘Ž

University of Washington

A school in the PAC 12 most well known for being hated by the rest of the world. The University, AKA UW, is full of high-class-wannabes and stuck up individuals. Commonly known as Huskies, Fuskies, Dawgs and Purple Penis Eaters attendees of the University of Washington are widely considered helpless or "off the deep end." Of course no Fuskie will admit this, they would rather brag about their new tan, the school's bad football team or their father's BMW.

Amanda Knox, Tend Bundy and Angie Mentink are just a few of the most well known University of Washington attendees.

by Nateers August 12, 2011

316πŸ‘ 235πŸ‘Ž

Lawrence University

A small liberal arts college in Appleton, Wisconsin. This school operates on a trimester and has Division 3 athletics, and kick-ass academics. Extremely underrated, as it attracts incredibly intelligent kids from all over. Almost 2/3 of the classes there are just one on one lessons with the teacher. It truly is amazing, and accepts 2/3 of applicants!

Guy 1: Where did your dad get accepted to college?
Guy 2: Cornell, Stanford, Carleton, Grinnell, and Lawrence?
Guy 1: And he chose Lawrence University?
Guy 2: Why wouldn't you?!

by Brocelona9 August 5, 2012

25πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

University of Washington

A university located in the city of Seattle and in the state of Washington. If you take away the Medical program and its graduate schools, it's basically just a larger version of a community college.

The undergrad students (AKA Fuskies or Dawgs) comprise mainly of Asian-Americans, foreigners, and spoiled white kids who cannot properly function well in life if living anywhere 20 miles farther from their parents. Others include smelly hippies, unhealthy North Face wearing chicks, male homophobes who are stuck in mid-90's era A&F styling, friendly fags, cranky dykes and occasional African-Americans from the sports teams.

The majority of these class-less kids are delusional idiots who thought they could get into UC Berkley, Stanford or some east coast Ivy League school back in high school, but ultimately got rejected on many occasions. As a result, they make the mistake that their undergrad education at UW is far superior than anyone else, but in truth is comparable to any community college in the Seattle area. The students also suffer from a "superiority complex" in which they exaggerate their self-worth, bloat their egos, stroke their friends' egos, act elitist and poke fun at other PAC-10 schools because it makes them feel better when mommy & daddy is not around to boost their self-esteem with cupcakes every morning.

Campus is dangerous with muggers, thugs and rapists.

University of Washington on campus student clinic...

Doctor: "I hope you are taking your birth control pills."

Female UW Student: "I make sure I take them every morning"

Doctor: "You are a GREAT humanitarian."

by SeattleSecretAgent April 3, 2011

359πŸ‘ 270πŸ‘Ž

Truth University

A student at Syracuse University began to say truth and 'Truth University' when something is said that can not be argued.

A:'That chick is such a slut, man.'
B:'Truth University'


A:'That chick is such a slut, man.'
B:'Truth... Truth University'

by James Redenbaugh February 16, 2009

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

University cooking

All the work that is done requiring the use of a lot more words than usually needed.

Β«I had no idea what that question was about, so I succeeded in not making a fool of myself by doing some university cookingΒ».

Β«The teacher asked for a 16-page study. After my normal work, I was up to 8, but after adding some university cooking, it reached a mere 15 pages.Β»

by Jean-Frederic March 4, 2008

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