Source Code

master bait

Used to define a slave that intentionally or inadvertently temps their master to desire to or to perform sexual acts on them.
Similar to queerbait.
See also slave, master.

That slave is some real master bait 'cause the way he bends over to pick that cotton really makes me wanna stick it in 'im.

by matt-amatics January 30, 2008

50๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž

queer bait

someone who likes it in the ass...

Hayley- Shannon, you're such a queer bait.
Shannon- :(

by haylers69 August 10, 2011

46๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž

queer bait

1. A man or woman who; a. only appears to be queer but is not. b. may not appear to be queer but is simply being berated by another person. c. is found to be attractive by a queer (i.e. One who is gay, Bi, and/or proclaims to be gay or Bi)

2. A person who acts, pretends or otherwise puts on the persona of a queer person with the intention of luring that person into a situation leading to verbal or physical abuse and torment

1. Chet proclaims to his younger brother "dude Billy! nice hair queer bait!"

2. Melvin suggests to his friend, "Cletus its yer turn ta be the queer bait boy. an I see one stinkin queer that needs some learnin!"
Cletus responds, "damn! that is one fagoty ass queer if i ever did see one! lets go learn him good and if he touches me i ain't gunna hold back this time"

by Douche supreme March 18, 2009

41๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž

turtle bait

Any powerful concoction of laxatives. Referring to the similarity in image of a turtle slowly sticking its head out of its shell to the image of stool slowly starting to exit the anus in a constipated individual. Also in reference to the following analogy to constipation, "The turtle's poking his head out but that's all I can muster." Turtle bait thus encourages defecation.

Setting: A hospital service that commonly deals with constipation.

Doctor 1: He's had a lot of morphine, and I think it's causing him to get constipated. No bowel movements for 5 days.

Doctor 2: I think a little TURTLE BAIT would help. Write orders for colace, miralax, metamucil, mag citrate, and if that doesn't work, an ox bile enema.

by Bocephalus August 5, 2006

7๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jail bait

Little skanks that walk around thinking they look good trying to tease older men that can't get anyone their own age. Usually LIE about their age.

baby-momma-to-be, slut

by Haywood Jablomi December 3, 2003

86๐Ÿ‘ 133๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cop Bait

When ridin dirty, the car in front of you speeding faster than you, so you won't get caught first.

1st Person: Yo! You're going like 50 over the speed limit!!!
2nd Person: Nah, it's ok. See that car up there, it's my cop bait.
1st person: Smart one!!

by Korraahhh December 4, 2006

16๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Take the Bait

something you say when some one falls for something you say.

>Dave Gannon is dead!
>Take the bait, only the character of Dave Gannon can die, not the real Dave Gannon!

by Robert Kirsty Munro January 24, 2004

16๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž