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sped boat

A boat full of sped water mostly in river rafting over memorial day weekend when the boat is filled with leftover food and garbage floating around in the water inside the raft

Hey look at these fools they have so mutch water in that boat!
yea its a sped boat

by sk8pirate March 27, 2010

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Boat Anchor

A large, heavy piece of obsolete technology, usually a computer system or computer server, that has served its useful life and cannot be re-used in any cost-effective way. In other words, junk.

My company just upgraded their data center. You interested in any of these old IBM boat anchors?

by Securix October 25, 2013

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Boat Guy

The common term used to reference a member of the United States Navy Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewman (SWCC). SWCC are our nation’s premier force for operating and maintaining high-performance, state-of-the art craft on NSW combat missions in littoral (shallow-water) environments. These elite fast-boat operators are part of Naval Special Warfare Command, which is comprised of SEAL Teams, SEAL Delivery Vehicle (SDV) Teams and Special Boat Teams. Together, they constitute the Maritime component of U.S. Special Operations Command, which exercises joint command of Navy, Army, and Air Force Special Operations Forces. All Special Warfare Boat Operators are Enlisted personnel or Warrant Officers.

After Naval boot camp, I am going to train to be a "Boat Guy".

by snflwrtato October 21, 2011

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Banana Boat

N. Refers to new immigrants from the West Indies to the United States of African decent. Derogatory in nature.

Carl: I just tried talking to that new guy from Jamaica today, I couldn't understand a word he was saying.
Jim: Don't waste your time, I think he just got off the Banana Boat.

by MViper January 27, 2005

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Fail Boat

Someone who constantly fails at something, and generally Life in its self. Can be told to the person as a pay out.

Excuse me, sir can i plz ride take a ride on your fail boat.

Hey lets all jump on to this noobs fail boat and take a ride down Fail Lake.

by World Owner October 2, 2008

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tug boat

The girl who is leading a guy by the hand (balls) through a bar to what ever she wants to do.

look at that Tug Boat leading that poor guy

by Bob Floamer April 29, 2005

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im on a boat

to mean, on top of the world, in your element, well happy and satisfied.

hey man hows you doing wiv your new girl?
im on a boat,man everything sweet.

by brapbrapbrapgmaninit March 27, 2009

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