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gym bunny

A gay man who spends an obsessive amount of time in the gym working on sculpting his body -- not for health reasons -- only to show it off in a club or on the beach.

1. Richard couldn't seem to find time in between work and his gym schedule for a relationship. He is such a gym bunny.

by dancingqueen March 8, 2005

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gym bunny

A gym bunny is someone who spends large amounts of time working out for the sole purpose of 'looking ripped'. Can be male or female, always extremely vain and superficial. Prevalent in California, which should come as no surprise since this state is a magnet for all the nation's nutjobs and screwups.

The difference between a gym bunny and someone who just works out a lot is the latter exercises to be able to do physical stuff like move heavy objects on a regular basis, whereas the gym bunny does it exclusively for visual reasons and probably couldn't do anything with those perfectly toned muscles if they had to.

Three ways to tell if someone is a gym bunny:

1. They're amazingly well-sculpted but still seem unable to do anything involving physical labor.

2. Often talk with friends about how much time they spend at the gym and overtly cut meetings and social events short because they have to get to the gym.

3. Act as if their physical fitness by itself makes them better than others.

by C++ June 3, 2006

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Dust Bunnies

Specks of dirt stuck to the sensor of a digital camera.

Also the small dark smudges that appear on a picture taken with a thus afflicted camera.

"You're going to have to clone those dust bunnies out of the sky in that picture - then you really ought to clean the dust bunnies off your sensor"

by geecat February 4, 2012

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brown bunny

When a chick gives you a blowjob, but then stops before you come (ร  la Chloe Sevigny in the movie "The Brown Bunny").

"Dude, how did things go with Samantha last night?

"It was cool at first, we went back to her place, she started sucking my dick... but then the bitch pulled a brown bunny."

"Damn, that's wack."

by v. gallo August 5, 2006

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Bunny Hunting

The Acting of trying to date, kiss, respect and/or fuck the shit out of Bunnies (Hotties, cute girls, chicks)

I went to Sierra College The other day and went Bunny Hunting

by Joe Sexton February 7, 2011

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Gangsta Bunny

A giant fluffy bunny that turned gangster. these bunnies roll in big black SUV's with massive rims. packing carrot guns with no carrots. garbed in hoodies with they're carrot bling. some humans turn into Gangsta bunnies, those such as the ones who ski.

Phil: "haters talkin but haters aint walkin"
Gangsta Bunny: "haters walkin, but haters aint hoppin"
Phil: ?"
Gangsta Bunny: "i'm a bunny. stop walkin, hater"
Phil: "your not a bunny"
Gangsta bunny hops around: you just got gangstered out walker.

by ima bunny December 4, 2010

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bunny cage

A small fence made of wire mesh, usually around two feet high, erected around a young cannabis plant illicitly grown in a remote outdoor location.
Essential in the UK for the aspiring guerrilla grower to keep rabbits from eating their precious plant.

''The fucking rabbits ate five of my ganja plants! Next time i'll put up some bunny cages

by douglas quail May 30, 2010

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