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chicken laugh

Ear-piercing cackle a woman makes for attention usually within a group of other women. Often heard at restaurants.

I wish that lady with the chicken laugh would shut up!

Hear that chicken laugh?...must be a bunch of women over there.

Dude, you sound like a girl with that chicken laugh!

by thedzone October 4, 2009

Chicken Tenda

The cash a pimp receives from his hoes.

Chickenheads + Legal Tender = Chicken Tenda

Pimp: "Bitch betta have my money!"
Hoe: "C'mon daddy you know I got chu!"

by Da Quizzler October 14, 2011

Chicken Baby

A new type of creature created using science when a chicken egg is about to hatch pouring a mixture of liquid with a human's DNA creates something beautiful. with the head of a kid and the body of a chick the longer you look at it the more natural it looks.

Oh my goodness Chicken Baby is adorable !!

by ChickenBabyYT October 21, 2017

Chicken breast

It's the breasts of chicken.

-Hey man, want any chicken breasts?
-Nah I'm good, thanks.

by AndVanDog7 November 23, 2020

Combat Chicken

A hawk.


Billy: RUN! RUUUN!

by DastardlyPoptard October 23, 2019

Chicken Cheesecake

A chicken parmigiana.

Me and the boys are going to the pub for some chicken cheesecakes and a couple beers.

by Yaboiskinnypeen June 9, 2021

Chicken Blanket

When you shave your balls and then stretch the skin up and over, covering your penis. This maneuver gets its name because it looks like a raw piece of chicken and covers the penis like a blanket. Usually shown as a prank because of its ugly nature. Can also be used during sex.

"This chick was about to go down on me, but I pulled the Chicken Blanket on her. It was funny but then she wouldn't blow me."

"Jimmy ate the last pop tart so I showed him the Chicken Blanket!"

by knifehands September 18, 2013