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Quantum Joke

A joke relating to Quantum Physics and the concept of a joke about Quantum Physics that repeats every cycle of the joke in a loop. The joke itself can be found inside the popular game, Undertale.

So I opened the Quantum Physics book and there, unbelievably, I found another book. This book, however, was a joke book about Quantum Jokes. After flipping that book open I swear to you, there was yet another Quantum Physics book. I don't even know how the books got in each other in the first place. That whole situation turned out to be a real mindfuck.

by Nihils June 14, 2020

Sawyer joke

Awful, cringe jokes often fold by a person named Sawyer. Sometimes utilizing stretches in logic to produce the "funny"

Essential a variant of the "uncle" or "dad" joke

"Hey, why did Jesus get all the bitches?"
"Uh, I dunno"
"Cuz, he is Rizzen"
"Dude that's such a fucking Sawyer joke"

by SandyCheekzz99 April 20, 2023

juck jokes

when that 20 year old guy on snapchat is sending you vids of him turning into a wolf and he gets mad at you

For that you asking for penis pic for make juck jokes

by junipers garden May 20, 2022

robot jokes

not funny.

Matt's robot jokes are not funny.

by captaingeech March 27, 2019

Joke Management

The science of organizing joke-related goals and objectives effectively and efficiently. The science in and of itself has many sub-disciplines; however, only certified Joke Chairs or a highly-ranked Joke Lord is adept in all forms of Joke Management.

After completing high school, both Kyle and Robert were nationally-ranked Joke Chairs, making them the youngest individuals to receive PhDs in Joke Management.

by Joke Lord December 24, 2010

Joke time

A happy occasion whereby a party, two or more, are engaged with humorous activities or discourse.

Lulu ''you mean everybodies been having joke time on group chat without me?''
Gavin ''yeh I'll invite you quick before you get fomo''

by Alialias July 27, 2017

Kishbaugh Jokes

Jokes that are slightly funnier than Chandler Jokes. Most people either laugh at Kishbaugh Jokes or just stare at his stupidity. They usually contain some euphemism about male genitalia.

Kishbaugh Jokes use a collective and racist form of "The Biochemists" to convey humor .

by NastyLaC23 August 19, 2017