A thick pony tail worn by men; usually tied or wrapped with a string or ribbon.
His beautiful lion’s tail flowed in the wind.
When you offer to show someone the "lion tattoo" you pull your pants down, bend over, and show them your butthole.
Me- Hey broseph, have can I show you my Lion tattoo?
Broseph- Heck yeah man! Show me!
Me- *pulls down pants*
Broseph- Aww gross, man!!!
A short person, normally of Scottish Origin who enjoys shandy but cannot drink real beer. Renowned for prowling and flashing his skin flute, Don Lion Stouts are not to be trusted.
Here comes Don Lion Stout
A game studio that makes crappy games(along with the memed mobile ads), their only good game(for me) is cash Inc. And no others
People criticize that then you play them 1 time it plays 30 seconds of mobile game ads
cash Inc. =almost no ads, except for the roulette
People:omg so much ads I won't play games made from lion studios its stupid
People's phone:other crap like forge ahead or idle crap
When I guy wakes up and has a morning boner
Ah, what a beautiful morning. Oh look, the Lion has awoken from his den.
When you cum and then you wipe your cum on her forehead and say “Simba”
Adam - “Dylan heard you lion kinged that girl from last night”
When you are fucking a girl doggy style and then you stick your thumb in her anal cavitty and she turns around in surprise and you pull out your thumb and wipe her shit on her forehead and say “Simba”
Yo I Lion Kinged my girl last night and I received praise.