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Weeb slang for overwhelming joy/pleasure

*UwU* notices bulge

by N-Word pass holder February 23, 2019


something you say if you are mentally ill.

lmao im mentally unwell uwu

by beowulf-the-better April 17, 2023


It is a Japanese-driven emoticon that people recently pronounce as a sign of shyness

A: I like you.
B: I like you too UwU.

by oesesss June 11, 2022


An face used as a cute face.

But people thinks it makes the person who uses it into a furry.
So beware, do not say uwu in the internet or you're gonna get hate..

Person1: uwu
Person2: cringe bro vote him out
Person3: yea sure guys he's cringe

by apple_pie93939 July 3, 2022


it's an face used for cute face.

the face is not only for furries, everyone can use it.

most of the people on the internet hates that face.
so i do not recommend using that face..

1: uwu
2: cringe
3:bro fatherless
4:guys vote her out

1: what

by apple_pie93939 July 3, 2022



the "uwu" cat is disgusting

by qqqqqqwertyuiop[] October 14, 2022


that stupid fucking word anime girls use to look cute when you know they look like a dried apricot

chat im so cute uwu

by DickDestroyer92 December 27, 2021

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