Someone who is such a fan of Donald Trump that they would blow him like a flugelhorn if given the chance.
Every one of these Trumpeteers at tonights "Stop the Steal" rally would drop to their knees if Donald walked in!
Trump sidekick; member of the MAGA contingent.
The Three Trumpeteers got pelted with Day-Glo orange paint bombs when they threatened to tramp on the banner hoisted by the trans-pride paraders.
Alternative title for President Trump, one of the greatest propounders of stupid bullshit the world's ever seen.
Nobody trumpets stupid, stupid bullshit like him. Believe it, nobody. It's unpresidented. Sad!
A: So, our president just tweeted again...
B: What's the Trumpet-in-chief come out with this time, or do I not want to know?
A: Would you look at that, our Trumpet-in-chief just managed to say something self-contradictory AND hypocritical, and in the space of only two sentences! Impressive even by his standards!
B: Damn man, give a guy a break already! Being informed about a topic like immigration, and able to talk about it without sounding like a blathering, inconsistent idiot can't be easy you know- he's only the president after all!
When you're holding in a poop with everything you have, cold sweat dripping down your forehead and you finally, barely make it to the toilet in time. Only then do you get to hear the glorious orchestral sound of the gravy trumpets
Feet swinging beneath the stall door, I knew that kid had to be done soon, he’s just playing with my emotions now. Finally he exits and asks “are you okay Mr?”
As I wipe away the forehead sweat and shove Jr to the side, my cheeks barely his the seat before the sweet serenade of the gravy trumpet rang throughout the stalls.
When someone lives in fear of Trump policies.
I'm Trumpetized of walls.
To eat ass like playing smooth jazz. Just blow into the mouthpiece.
I played that bitch like a dumpster trumpet!
An event that never takes place because anyone who participates in the practice of playing a trumpet would not ever want to leave due to the high levels of enjoyability.
Friend 1: so I was coming home from trumpet practice...
Friend 2: stop lying man, I know you don’t play trumpet. Anyone who did wouldn’t just “come home from trumpet practice”