This can be screen shotted to be immune to this day's affects. Wether its muting to banning for 1 day. However, only the first 10% (just divide the amount of people in the discord server by 10) percent of the amount of member's in the server can use this. However the person promises not to ping, or call the mods when they need them. Anybody who does will be directly muted/banned for the entire day. Also mods don't ignore this, this is a desperate attempt to be saved.
I have used this screenshot of Immunity to Discord Mod Day to prevent myself from the effects of it.
Serpi known for his next level cringe and big ego. Mostly seeing edating Laura (penisgirl)
Serpi is a german incel living in the Apocalypse Discord known for his big ego with handicapped role and his perma hard cringe. He also invented the german Flüchtlingswelle and is a Merkel supporter. Hated from the whole Apocalypse Community he still isnt banned because Touka and Apocalpyse little sissys unban him anyways. He says hes not a gypsy but he looks like one? His "GF" Laura pretends to be togheter with him while see sucks everyones cock with a redrole status. Serpi is also a huge cuck he loves to see his girlfriend fucks a other men while he sits on a big chair and wank his little donger and comes to clean Lauras pussy after the Men she fucked came in her pussy. Hes a fucking psychopath cuckold. Many people also think hes a bigger cuck then scrubnoob and its true because guno just sucks froschs cock while laura sucks whole citys empty! Hes also on a image board called "pr0gram" there he wanks to some repostet normie gore pictures and share it to his "friends"
Serpi thinks only good from himself and has a pushed ego while hes in reality just a cringe cuckold who never will get a real girlfriend because hes sitting 24/7 on the chair and writing in Apocalypse Discord.
Some quotes from famouse persons :
B1G Psychopath : I didnt expect someone cringer then me
Touka : Idk he did nothing wrong why should i ban him
Zlators : some1 hav some money pls ?
by shakuzo
"Serpi - Cringeking of Apocalpyse Discord" is just cringer then b1g psychopath and piponka
Kpop guides is a popular server among Kpop fans. It is the best server ever plus it has wonderful people like mel, aeri, go, itzel and a lot more.
Mel: OMG i love my server so much!
Go: whats the name of it?
Mel: Kpop guides discord server.
on this day (February 21) if the ability to remove a discord user's warnings exists, they must be removed from as many discord user as possible in your server. removed warns on this day cannot be replaced and any new warns on this day are invalidated.
mod: !warn @user
bot: @user now has 3 warns!
mod: 3 warns = ban so bye
user: no its discord warn removal day
mod: ah I see
!unwarn @user
bot: @user has been unwarned, 0 warns remain!
Discord Un-Mod day is on December the 11th.
On that date, every mod has to be a normal person and they cannot reject it.
If they reject it, they will be either:
1. Banned for 1 day
2. Have no access to any channel for 1 day, even if it's for every user.
3. They'll have to be furry for one day.
Man, I want to still be a mod but Discord Un-Mod day is coming up.
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Toofy HOF Discord Voice Changer Packer
Toofy Discord Packer People hoed - creedo marski apollo chiefjustice KJ/jay
Duo - Loofy
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Zae is the best newgen discord packer maybe even packer ever, he's currently one of the loudest on cord and one of the best joke for joker's, hes known for beating popular packers like thizz,mourn,loker,roman and more, hes rarely ever lost on top of that
Yo did you see Zae discord packing today? he flamed tf outta jubbers
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