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like I was like

A declaration of intent to express one's state of mind. Spoken by people with a limited vocabulary.

Like I was like OMG!

by d3qu November 5, 2017


When someone "likes" your comment on Facebook, writes a response and you feel obligated to "like" his response in return even if it's shite.

I wrote a great piece on Facebook page and some dullard "liked" it but came back with a moronic platitude. But, my Catholic guilt forced me to cross-like his response.

by latefordinner April 27, 2018

water like glass

a phrase used when something is so smooth and clean that it looks like glass or water. or even better. water like glass. a particular type of cleanliness and effortlessness.

ruby: doesn’t that water look so clean

emanuel: yeah, water like glass!

by rubanuelstan93 November 21, 2024

i like soup

I like soup

I like soup

by Elras September 27, 2020

Fast like the past

a. When an event feels quickly paced
b. When a person/animal is quick in speed, either physical or mental

When he plays soccer, he's fast like the past.

by vagrantviolin September 27, 2013

Looks Like Yuck

Ugly and nasty looking. Used to describe a type that is repulsive.

The party was really fun, but that guy Tommy S. looks like yuck.

by JStronglund December 18, 2020

I'm like a boss burn

1) A challenged young whipper snapper, who get's clue's alot in his friends party's!

2) Ask's to do Gamebatte's every 5 minutes!

3) De derp de durpede durr!

1) Hey guy's I'm going to subway! "I'm like a boss burn"
2) Hey Nepo can we do a Game-battle? NO....

3) I like to read books with colors! "I'm like a boss burn"

by Nepovjerenje February 2, 2012