Liking ones status because they liked yours.
I courtesy liked Bob's status even though I don't really like him and the status didn't make sense.
The likes you get on your facebook status, pics etc from a remote guy from your account just because you liked their pics, status etc..
It sucks when all the likes on your facebook profile pictures are courtesy likes..
Something somebody says when they don't care. Yeah literally that's it.
YO Jessica!!! Look at my new Versace purse!!!! " Like I care....Its ugly anyway..."
Fernando likes jenny cuz she is pretty.
Have you heard that fernando likes jenny?
Used whenever a situation is annoying like Trump. "Like Trump" can be used with any negative emotion such as frustrating, saddening and the list goes on.
"Martha, stop complaining so much, it annoys me like Trump"
"Dude, I simply can't get this girl to notice me, it frustrates me like Trump"
Pulling out and ejaculating on a woman’s Breasts, then spreading your sauce around with your penis before pulling out your chest hair and garnishing your creation in a salt bae fashion
That bird I met off tinder, she’s a bit of a goer, I was was cooking like Pozniak after a first date.
When a male has finished the job, pulls out and ejaculates all over his partners face, but before he’s done, he pulls out some chest hair and garnishes his leftovers in a salt bae manner.
I walked in on my flat mate last night, he was with a bird. He must have been conkers deep with her as he was “Cooking like Pozniak” when I caught them.