Someone who would do anything for you, cares for you, and also follows you on social media like Twitter
My beat friend Cameron sent me a funny tweet.
A polite way to ask for an address of a friend while expressinging drunken enthusiasm about goings on.
As your friend wtf is your address sounds dope lfg
When you give your friend a hickey out of friendship
I just gave Jon a friend hickey.
when you have an instant spark with your friends.
"We clicked instantly we had a friend spark." friemistry
A coworker who you friend during the lunch shift because both of your real friends normally work dinner. When dinner shift arrives, you go your separate ways and do not acknowledge each other.
I realized we were only lunch shift friends when dinner shift arrived and she basically ignored me.
when you switch best friends every second of the day
“oh your my best friend” “your my best friend “ “i’m a best friend hopper”
a bitch who likes to insult people because she's a no-lifer fat ass