Source Code

Slow it down make it bouncy

Slow it down make it bouncy.

Es ist kein einfaches Wort oder nur ein Sinnloser Satz,

es ist eine Lebenseinstellung.

Nimm diese Weisheit mit in dein zukünftiges leben, und nie wird dir an irgendetwas mangeln.

höre Slow it down make it bouncy
hle Slow it down make it bouncy
WERDE Slow it down make it bouncy

darauf das deine Slow it down make it Bouncy-heit dir immer beistehen wird.

Der Shorty in blue meint "Slow it down make it bouncy", der Shorty in blue ist unser wahrer Captain. höre auf ihn. Also los. Slow it down make it bouncy

Yuyu superior.

by AvarageKpopStanHEHEHE January 10, 2024

304 upside down

It means hoe

Girl: that girl looks like a 304
Boy : whats a 304
Girl: it means hoe look 304 upside down means hoe

by VMELQXZ February 17, 2023

2👍 1👎

6 fingers down

You only fuck hella old grandmas in the ass only

Damn he puts 6 fingers down

by Lilmotherfucker October 11, 2022

Muahlonnbeat down schoooobjguninjapan

A fighting bemmimgfilm by lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine.

I invented and made and created and started muahlonnbeat down schoooobjguninjapan. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine.

by LBJAY July 2, 2024

Matrixed Down

The opposite of Matrixed Up and The Matrix.

To stray away from Matrix effects (Charlies Angels, Spiderman) and Matrix spoofs (Kung Pow, Cats & Dogs) or to add something that is the opposite of The Matrix to the movie.

My home movies featured me jumping around the walls, so I matrixed it down by adding Willy Nelson.

by Bastardized Bottomburp July 29, 2003

trough down

Australian / NZ slang
to do a mad skid or go fast

Fuck mate, your Toyota Chaser really does trough down, cunt

by real criminal August 12, 2018

Big Downs

When a person displays a large amount of Down syndrome

Dude! Jimmy has fucking Big Downs, he just shit in the urinal!

by Jew Hunter64 March 17, 2019