A funny thing I said after making a weird sound
*weird sound*
what the hecky was that?
Another way of asking another person 'What's Up?'
Lawrence: "Hey, what's mickling?"
Other person: "Nothing much!"
Adjective : "What-elle" = whatever
"What-elle Nigga!"
"(What) Tf (elle) nigga,"
An extra clean version of literally any other cuss word.
Anybody: (*Is jokingly, mildly insulted*): What the goodness, man?
You forgot to add an e at the end of sham
“What a sham!”
Did you mean what a shame?”
“God damnit I forgot the e.”
A jr is a person/ boy who likes animè and SpongeBob, and is also a person who likes girls with beaver teeth, and he swears he has hoes but high-key doesn't, and hide your girls when he's around or he will still them with some animè Bullshit!
"What is a jr bro? bro theres a jr right fucking there! fuck I'm hiding my gurl or he will still her wid some animè shit!!
An expression of a frustration or unhappiness in a certain situation, mostly used as an insult towards the person/thing provoking the feeling.
Today, I got fired by my boss and got dumped by my girlfriend. I later found out he was sleeping with her behind my back.. What an aggie!!!