A usual replacement for what the fuck. Autocorrect also does this.
person1: heaaahshzvhcdkajslaksaskajdsjadkajdladjkasdja
person2: what the duck is happening with you
Not sure. Try lying again and see what happens.
Nigga what! Y.
Another way of saying, "what's up" or "what's happening"
Hey man, it's been a while. What's the spit?
When you see Mateo is playing fortnite.
What a Mateo, I mean what a bot
Well, if I was using your logic I would say "God's not doing what I want and said a thing I don't like so it gets no credit for anything"
Hym "But I'm not going to use your logic... Because I'm a genius and mine is better. So, I'll give unto God what is God's and give it credit for doing what you claim it did 'creating an inferior race of beings to have it's way with for eternity' and 'murdering everyone with space time and monsters and bugs.' There! I gave it the credit it deserves! "
What is your sexual experience?
Like What are you good for in the bedroom?
What can you do during sex?
Im tryna see what her speed bout.
Ayye shawty what that speed bout?
A rhetorical question / sarcastic response to someone who talks rudely or is speaking out of turn.
If you're speaking disrespectfully to someone and they go "What you say? huh? what you say?" (It's a warning that you should check your tone.)
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