An old school football play that old men in their 40s and 50s refer to when bragging about their grade school football prowess.
Kenny: When we played St James in the Turkey Bowl, we ran 47 Double Down all day down thier throats.
Weber: PJ was unstoppable
Jordan: Damnnnnnnnnn! Oliver you got a Double D forehead..
is when a person takes their dick and it into one person ass and then takes their balls also and puts it into another persons ass
double bridge rim
When your having sex with a condom, but pull out, just in case.
Damn...I almost got Christina pregnant last night, good thing I did the Double Schmoove
another word for awesome or amazing.
I had a double diddely day! (gay right?)...but it works!
Double-cousin or double-1C:
1- Child of their parent’s full sibling with the other parent’s full sibling.
2- Person who, in relation to the other person, has zero parents and four grandparents in common.
My double-first-cousin is a good person.
Child of a person's maternal aunt (mother’s sister) with that same person's paternal uncle (father’s brother) or child of a person's paternal aunt (father’s sister) with that same person's maternal uncle (mother’s brother).
My double-first cousin is a good person.