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glory cheese

The cum stain left in your underwear after anal sex.

Jeremy Irons came in my ass so much I have serious glory cheese.

by Anabsurdsorcerer June 27, 2017

Penis cheese

A flavorful nutty, and cheesy goo.

Tom loves to cover his singles socks in penis cheese.

by Slinging Cream August 11, 2023

Penis Cheese

nifty the r6 teamkiller

oi did you here that penis cheese kill someone?
ye wagwan he was a right cunt

by Lord Word god October 8, 2020

pretzelz no cheese

is another secret phrase for the drug “molly” or MDMA

we will have two pretzelz no cheese

by sissielala December 8, 2020

Microwave Cheese

Refers to the art of ejaculating in between two slices of bread, microwaving it, and eating it as a sandwich.

I ran out of cheese so I whipped up a microwave cheese sandwich.

by Bob flaggit December 8, 2016

I put my cheese in your fridge.


1: Possibly, a dirty dick entering a cadaver in a cooler.

2: A poor attempt at an old officer flirting with a young enlisted person.

3: A sexual innuendo who's true meaning is only known to "Dutch Rudder Dave."

As you're driving past a pretty girl: "Hey uh, I put my cheese in your fridge." Then proceed to drive away, while your friends and coworkers in the car stare in awe at the sheer audacity (both meanings) in which you behaved.

by show-er_not_a_grower August 20, 2024

cheese pop

Cheese pops we’re snacks that Chicago children would put cheese sticks in the snow and eat them when they were frozen.

Dude I can’t wait to go home and eat my cheese pop.

by bigbossman69420 January 7, 2021