Source Code

Trust Whore

A trust whore is someone who gives out their trust and kindness for free. it's kind of like a regular whore but you don't see it as an easy first time, you see it as a person you can easily manipulate. so, be careful with who you befriend. you could end up a trust whore.

shortened version is "trore".

Person 1: I can't believe you're dating Person 3 for the fifth time, you know they manipulated you and stabbed you in the back for Person 4!
Person 2: I know they did, but I know what I'm doing. so back off. I don't care if they manipulate me for person 4, I trust them!

person 2 is a trust whore. I know who you are. but I'm not letting you know.

by OnyxLagger June 3, 2023

skank whore

when owen a is a bitch to you and you get really mad so those are the only words you can think of and u had to say something

owen ur such a skank whore

by skank.whore June 27, 2019

Internet trash whore

A person who lives for all the dumb garbage on the internet

Jeffrey is such an internet trash whore. His YouTube recommendations are a mess.

by Ingram Ko September 24, 2021


Physical, psycological and /or finacial damage directly and or indirecrly cause by a whore.

That bitch just left you with nothing but......

... whore-wounds

by Jaggabonie909 October 24, 2022


When someone is acting in an untimely manner and is just being a little shit

Once he cuts his whoreness out I’ll talk to him

by Phat Schmeat March 25, 2020


Whoreness ---an orah that compliments the open mindfulness and energy of a sexually inspired person.

“Anything I can do to further your whoreness, I'm gonna do”

by Nickymae818 January 5, 2024

Shop Whore

A woman in a Auto Shop or Dealership who sleeps with every Technician. Every shop has one.

Yo Jimbo what were you doing earlier? I was cuddling with the shop whore in the back of the green mercury!

by Dukeraiders0419 February 28, 2024