Nigga is a word that people confuse for one with hard R. Word nigga doesn't mean anything bad, it's just a word that anyone can use to call their friends(any race/color be it white or black).
Dave: nigga where have you been.
Steve: i've been playing Minecraft my dude.
Can a nigga barrow a fry?
-wise words from riley freeman
nigga is a offensive word to call a black person. Meaning: worthless
Jimmy:nigga stfu
Dequan:don’t call me dat do u even know what it means?
Jimmy:no ..
Dequan:it means worthless .
Jimmy:I’m sorry
Nigga: A nigga black person who the KKK hates
Hey are you a NIGGA
Yes I am
Hi. Can i say Nigga?
No silly!;)
A rude way to call a “ colored person”.
Or another way to call your friends.
a racist word for people with the best complexion to the human race / a word that people with a darker skin shade say to other people black people
yo my nigga aint seen in time uno / ew look at them black people there niggas
the naked nonce at the end of your street
look at that nigga over there