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Nigga is a word that people confuse for one with hard R. Word nigga doesn't mean anything bad, it's just a word that anyone can use to call their friends(any race/color be it white or black).

Dave: nigga where have you been.
Steve: i've been playing Minecraft my dude.

by P e p e November 27, 2019


A "black" person

Can a nigga barrow a fry?

-wise words from riley freeman

by Bighottiepockiee September 12, 2022


nigga is a offensive word to call a black person. Meaning: worthless

Jimmy:nigga stfu

Dequan:don’t call me dat do u even know what it means?

Jimmy:no ..

Dequan:it means worthless .

Jimmy:I’m sorry

by quandaledinglethefirst April 16, 2022


Nigga: A nigga black person who the KKK hates

Hey are you a NIGGA
Yes I am
Hi. Can i say Nigga?
No silly!;)

by The Nigga King!!😉 June 7, 2023


A rude way to call a “ colored person”.
Or another way to call your friends.

This nigga serious?

by ImAllexxHasDownSyndrome August 10, 2020


a racist word for people with the best complexion to the human race / a word that people with a darker skin shade say to other people black people

yo my nigga aint seen in time uno / ew look at them black people there niggas

by mya your local nigga May 6, 2021


the naked nonce at the end of your street

look at that nigga over there

by Hairy Whore Of Nigeria July 19, 2023