A stupid dumb fucking person who can't get a lot of things right. He also is a small youtuber trying to make an honest career with Roblox, but he's still a dumb fuck. Do not trust him when it comes to Parking Panic on Roblox...
Snail Cheese (snailcheeseyt) is a pretty dumb fuck
when you get a (pronoun) on the their back and you just start licking that taint, and or gooch, because you dont which hole to aim for.
I was with this girl last night and I don't what she was into so Iate that cheese bread yo!
Noun: A thick, crusty vintage found in the armpit. Made when you let your man finish on your chest but his aim is off.
"We were out camping and after the 2nd night I had major buffalo cheese."
a delicacy, completely amazing, magnifique, better than every other food out there.
“have you tried cheese on ice??”
When ejaculate gets stuck under the foreskin.
You see that? That’s Smegaroni and Cheese!
When you are fucking a girl on her period and you give her a creampie.
My girl was on her period, so I gave her a cream cheese and jelly.