a 3 month long marathon of restraint (no simp september, sober october and no nut november) culminates in deez nuts december where you can indulge in all your hedonistic desires.
Person 1: you know what december is?
Person 2: yeah christmas!
Person 1: no, deez nuts december!
Where you fuck a girl in the ass long enough to where her ass leaks on your balls
Bro1: Bro i fucked her ass to long I got oil nuts
Bro2: wtf bro that nasty
The biggest of nuts
Have you seen big d’s nuts “yeah they are the biggest of nuts” big dees nuts-big ol nuts
1. A term to describe the physical condition in which a male of any species has one testicle at least 2.5 times the size of the other. The bigger of the 2 is called the "Gorilla Nut." The smaller of the 2 has not yet been defined and pales in comparison. This Gorilla Nut hangs much further down than the other and sometimes can even hang lower than the penis. There is no such thing as Gorilla Nut(s) because it only occurs in a lopsided or disproportionate nutsack.
"If you've ever seen a man with an exposed testicle, it's usually the gorilla nut."
this is when a girl uses demolishes a boys testicle ,balls, or grapes.
you can kick and squeeze a man nuts. the will often scream cry or may die
it is a good torture method
girl find it funny and they also enjoy watching boy's nuts get busted it is satisfying
kick in the nuts or balls example
Girl :find out her boyfriend is cheating on her .
boy:hey babe*gets his nuts grabbed*
girl: *squeezes harder*
boy*lets out a whimper and starts begging for forgiveness*
girl: squeezes even harder till she hers 2 pops
BOY: starts to throw up and cry
girl: lets go only to stomp on his nuts when he is on the floor "nobody cheats on me and gets away with it
boy: wishes he was never born and cries from some hours holding his crushed sack
when we a boy has his ball's busted is so funny and a good torture method
you can kick or squeeze his balls .
they will often cry and feel sick
kick in the nuts or balls story :a boy walked up to girl and asked me if she would date him . after refusing he tried again she grabbed his nuts and squeezed them so hard . he let out a whimper and just kept on crying.
the girl squeezed harder and wouldn't let go till she heard 2 perfect crunches. the boy cried and wouldn't move for hours