10 yards of toilet paper needed to wipe your ass after a very messy bowel movement.
After an hour of constant diarrhea and ass wiping, he made a first down in the bathroom.
For all of November you can put ur hands down someone pants/panties and they can’t kill you.
Sven- “Oi mate put ur hands down their panties”
Rodger-“ they’ll kill me, I can’t do that”
Sven-“It’s national hands down panties month,who cares”
a game from chowder that involves no winning
its bad luck not to say the whole name
how many times do i have to say there is no winning in Field Tournament Style Up and Down on the Ground Manja Flanja Blanja Banja Ishka Bibble Babble Flabble Doma Roma Floma Boma Jingle-Jangle Every-Angle Brickabracka Flacka-stacka Two-ton Rerun Free-for-all Big Ball.
When ones attitude or tone is getting hostile or angry, About to reach boiling point. A person needs their teapot of an attitude to simmer down before reaching boiling point.
When Wesley comes at me all crazy with his tone, I tell him simmer down teapot.
Down fragger is the guy with least amount of frags on team or game. It can also be the worst guy on the team :)
Down fragger example: In cs:go where you are at the bottom of your teams scoreboard. You have the least amount of kills and is probably the worst player on the team
Down fragger is the guy with least amount of frags on team or game.
Example of Down fragger: could be in cs:go where you are at the bottom at the scoreboard of you team
when someone is feeling with low energy and they want to have the sensation of feeling pleasure physically and/or emotionaly
"damn bro, my caffeine is down, can you cheer me up please? ;)"