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Cheese on a grater tastes like paper

A random saying used to annoy someone out of sheer the sheer stupidity

May put someone in ponderment

A way of putting someone in a state of annoyance

Cheese on a grater tastes like papersays A

B says” would you stop it’s so annoying


by Vexamon October 21, 2023

Dead Like YeH

A saying IRV needs to stop saying this every second

Stop saying dead like YeH IRV

by Pickles4eva December 7, 2021

dead like yeh

A saying said almost every thirty seconds by a little bitch named IRV

Irv stop saying dead like YeH

by Pickles4eva December 7, 2021

sounds like an american mom

typically referring to milf, u probably sound hot, like HOT. people would just literally cream listening to your voice

"bro, she sounds like an american mom!"

"bet she's smoking hot"

by doodleboi May 8, 2022

Kinda Like Spongebob

When an old person is talking none sense

Martha”I swear these LA drivers are so crazy, where are the cops to arrest them! This is illegal!”

A genz person: “Kinda like spongebob

by MatchaDrinker11 July 12, 2021

I like your music taste

an alternative for one or more of the following:
1) Literally kiss me. I don’t think I've seen anyone as attractive as you before
2) I think the music you listen to is cool!

Example of usage 1:
Me: Hey what music do you listen to?
My crush: Oh you know, Clairo, Mitski, The Neighborhood, The 1975. Artists like that
Me: I like your music taste :))

Example of usage 2:
My friend: Yeah I just started listening to this new band. It’s really cool!
Me: Dude I like your music taste!

by Nolan <3 December 15, 2021

Liking a genie lamp

When someone tries to hit up your line on the gram; the abstract version of “u up”

Elsa liked Scott’s genie lamp. She was liking a genie lamp on Scott’s instagram.

by ElsalovesScott October 22, 2018