cheese kop, usually used in south Africa as an insult by combining the English word cheese and the Afrikaans word for head. it is used to insult some one who has little to no hair although usually the recipient of the insult is a close friend who wouldn't get offended by the use of the word
"man shut yo cheese kop ass up"
A child with a very big forehead can't do math needs mental help and sucks at stickman games he cannot slewfoot very well either
Big E Cheese needs to go to a mental hospital
When you pull the large industrial garbage bag out of the pool trash cans and it starts to leak out. Then you drop it on your foot and when you lift it up there’s cottage cheese made from trash juice on your shoe. Also can be described as mushy solid found at the bottom of a garbage can mainly composed of half darken beer, popsicle juice, and half eaten chips.
Owen I got some garbage cheese on my foot last night so be careful with the garbage today.
a task or process that is undeniably easy or can be easily done.
"How hard was the math homework bro?"
"Na bro, that shit was cheese weight!"
The act of gnawing on a girls vagina voraciously until it bleeds during cunnilingus then shouting "cheese it lads I gotta go in the hidey hole. From that point you sodomize your partner instead.
"Yo bro I was cheese wedging my girl the other day and now she's mad what do I do?"
"I dunno bro did you use lube before part two?"
"I'd be mad too"