Source Code

quit bustin' ya hole round these ways

A warning, or threatening request, spoken by a person in order to prevent another person trespassing on their 'territory' or 'hood'

stranger: "who's got bud round here?"
"local": "oi cunt, quit bustin' ya hole round these ways"
stranger: "you did NOT just say that cunt, imma get you"

by amanda1223 January 7, 2008

5πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

national slap ass day round 2

National slap ass day round 2!! You can slap and grab and boy or girls ass for the whole day infront if everyone!!πŸ’―πŸ’―

Bro it’s national slap ass day round 2!! Let me go find Jessica and slap that ass!

by SlapMyAss October 10, 2018

6πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

saw that coming like a fat man round the corner

Blatently obvious. If a fat person tries to sneak round a corner they will be seen, as their belly will protrude first and give them away. Hence if something can be seen a mile off, or is really obvious, it can be 'seen coming like a fat man round the corner'

Phil: 'Hey, did you hear Janice was fired?'
Butch: 'Yeah, I saw that coming like a fat man round the corner!"

by Jamie Douglas August 26, 2006

34πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

You Spinach Me Right Round Spinach Burger

A burger that comes with spinach

"Hey Bob, what's the burger of the day?" "It's the You Spinach Me Right Round Spinach Burger, you should try it!"

by America Lover πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ November 21, 2018

62πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Drink cocktails round Michael Barrymoore's Swimming Pool

A hilarious rebuke aimed at an individual when they suggest something that you would never, ever do!

Paul: It is almost 10 to 2 in the morning, should we pull those two ugly birds and see what we get?

Pete: Your joking aren't you, I would rather drink cocktails round Michael Barrymoore's swimming pool than shag that monster!

by Johnny 2 Sheds June 8, 2009

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im finna clap your cheeks next round bro

A widely used gaming term used in COD used by the losing team when they are upset after a loss.

(End of round)

Red Team: 100
Blue Team: 43

<swagscopes54> (Red Team): gg guys

<CODmaster000534> (Blue Team): even though we lost nice job team
<platinumshots21> (Red Team): sick snipe swagscopes

by PolishDom November 4, 2020

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When you are feeling rich in spirit, but you are too financially poor to play music chairs. Here we go round the mulberry bush... again... cuz we're really really poor... financially...

When you are feeling rich in spirit, but you are too financially poor to play music chairs. Here we go round the mulberry bush... again... cuz we're really really poor... financially...

When you are feeling rich in spirit, but you are too financially poor to play music chairs. Here we go round the mulberry bush... again... cuz we're really really poor... financially...

by MK Dicky May 17, 2021

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