Warmth or heat emitted from the outer layer of a female’s genitalia which can often be felt over clothing.
Wow! Casandra from accounting nearly burnt a whole in my pants when she brushed passed me. Must be all that v heat she’s packing.
Who was that masseuse? Yeah, she was really pushing the V Heat when she worked on my shoulders.
The probability that someone will obtain an STD if they sleep with you. The higher the V-score, the more probability they will contract an STD. The lower the V-score, the lower the probability they will contract an STD. Measured 0-10. 0 being a virgin 10 being Paris Hilton.
"Yo, I couldn't sleep with Trina. She has a V-score of like 9."
The female version of d wet. Penetration of the vagina.
Damn girl. You need to get you v poked.
Cheap, affordable gaming GPU best value 9/10 would use again - IGN
Chad- My rig a Titan V and guess what? IT CAN RUN ANY GAME!
Anyone with basic computer knowledge- ............. *Prays that good will have mercy on the human race
When you have sex and cum is dripping out of your vagina
I have the v drip from all that dick
Surya V is a guy that does pretty well in many different facets, but doesn't necessarily excel in any particular category. He can sing, he can run, he can code, and he can become an academic weapon. He may seem excited and loud, but deep down, there is the spirit of a person who feels lost in this vast world and just wants to belong somewhere. He has had trust issues since he was a little kid and while he has definitely become more confident, he still feel cautious about the people around him.
Surya V has the skills to be successful in life. He just needs some more confidence.
a feminine hygiene product used to collect blood during menstruation, a menstrual cup made of medical grade silicone
Now that I use a v-cup I do not have to worry about leaks during my heavy flow
I am so glad I switched to v-cups, I have saved so much money not having to buy tampons and pads