One and Only. Best of a kind. Sometimes unreasonable but she just had firm values in life. Will give more. Will be kind to an unruly unkind world. Not perfect, but as true as it can be.
Mariane Nicole is whoever she wants to be.
She's like a snake. A traitor and a slut bitch. Be careful of her she will cause damage in your life especially if you're in relationship. A girl who don't respect other girls. Maybe she have a pretty face nor a nice body but her personality doesn't fit to the society.
Girl if you're not happy to your life, don't make others life misserable.
Nicole noreen
Samantha Nicole is an ordinary person. She's smart n' dumb. She's confident and coward. She has a bittersweet life. She has many dreams but lazy. She's kind and rude. She is short tempered and has a lot of patience. She likes to contradict everything.
That's Samantha Nicole, right?
Dude, I love her.
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a chick that believes urban dictionary is a reliable way to fact check facts and wont give will da beast his props
cunty Nicole is commenting on my fb again
a chick that believes urban dictionary is a reliable way to fact check facts and wont give will da beast his props
cunty Nicole is commenting on my fb again
Nicole twerks like a candy cane
Sexy Nicole , A voluptuous female dancing
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