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bum liquor

The juice between your bum cheeks when you have a wet fart mixed with sweat.

I went down on the misses last night and licked her ass hole and got a mouth full of bum liquor

by Birdman999 March 9, 2018

Bum Gummer

The act of receiving fellatio from a toothless destitute.

I've got two bucks and a bottle of Night Train. Time to go down to skid row to cruise for a bum gummer

by MaggotLord October 11, 2009


The act of putting your finger up someones back c*** (bumhole) and then inserting that finger into that person mouth via fish hook method

(this is rather like the RUSTY FISH HOOK, however this method uses the victims bum aswell as mouth)

It was early in the morning, tom and jack were lying together semi naked. Whilst giggling, jack casually... BUMMOUTHED tom

After the BUM-MOUTHING, tom was visibly shaken and had to lie down

by Joedude20 September 27, 2010

bum bandit

A slag term for a gay man who likes to put his cock up another mans anal passage. See wordass bandit/word or wordarse bandit/word Also see wordgay/word

"That guy is a blatent bum bandit".

by Dacarlo March 13, 2003

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'in due time.'
with origins dating back to the 1940's, 'bum-bai' is the one pidgin word that really has no obvious derivative.

"Ho brah. No mess with me bum-bai i slap my dick on top your forehead"

by Dr. Ren_Ayanami, Ph.D January 27, 2005

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Bum a hold

When a smoker or a compulsive cell phone user continually asks their friends to hold a drink in a bar so that they can participate in the aforementioned activity.

Bar Patron1: Hey, can I bum a hold? I need to light my cigarette.
Bar Patron2: I guess.
Two minutes later.
Bar Patron1: Can I bum a hold. I need to take this call.
Bar Patron2: Really?

by seadoochrissy September 12, 2009

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bummed in the gob

Phrase originating from the verb 'to bum' (see sex up your arse) which comes from the english noun meaning bottom, and sex to do with such'.

A playful and hilarious threat between friends being silly. Refers to anal sex and oral sex without making any sense at all, anatomically or otherwise.

Shut up, or Miffed will bum you in the gob

by Guru Meditation Error January 8, 2004

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