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Burning desire

Something that if not shared about, you just might use about.

Does anyone have a burning desire to share?

by OGDuff October 5, 2020

wing burn

When you get chafed by your sanitary pads wings.

I got may rags and my pad is giving me hell wing burn!

by xerial January 16, 2011

soccer burn

when a dude whips a soccer ball at you covered in his jizz . he will then shove it forcefully up your footloose taco hole. this usually happens after he beats you with a jizz covered golf club.

girl who gets beat: HEy ! I got a soccer burn last night!!
jealous friend : lUcKy!!

by bigdaddygay June 13, 2019

burn line

when you are sun burnt and there is a line. Like a tan line but it's a burn not a tan.

"Ouch my burn line is killing me!"

by gcfvhb m, March 16, 2019

burning porcelain

The unfortunate and uncomfortable aftermath of eating a large quantity of extremely hot food. The name comes from the burning sensation while you are sitting on the toilet (porcelain).

"Oh man I have been burning porcelain this morning. I should not have eaten all those buffalo wings last night!"

by Sue D. Nymme September 10, 2007

burning glass

A slang term used for smoking methamphetamine.

"Yo man, last night I was burning glass and got high as fuck!"

by KurisuTheNinja November 14, 2013

wasabi burn

When you ingest to much wasabi to quickly and it runs through your nasal passages and tear ducts in a quick burning manour and makes it feel like your sinuses and nostrils are on fire.

Ouch! I ate to much wasabi and I have wasabi burn!

by AirMtb April 10, 2015